Best of 2023
Happy New Year!
I've been really enjoying sharing pictures via text and it's lessened the (self generated) pressure to post here.
I think moving forward my plan is:
a) to move my website. This platform has made posting more of a struggle than it should be. This will hopefully be the last post at this home;
b) to continue weekly texting of WIPs, photos I'm enjoying while I'm creating them; and
c) to use this space to share completed works - whole things that I've finished, or at least reached a temporary conclusion with.
So, if you want more regular pics, email or text me and I'll add you to that list. Zero pressure. Otherwise, you can stick with the completed thoughts only package (aka blog).
For 2023 I started working on the "habit" of taking photos regularly. I struggle a lot with grandiose plans, desires to make my art meaningful, stuff that is sticky and tends to leave me thinking more than creating. So, instead I tried to take photos 4x a week, to foster some rhythm and momentum. The bar of what I shot being zilch. If I picked on my camera and took a picture out the window of a raindrop on a shitty day, that was a win. It was so helpful to lower the bar and just create more. My overall focus/muse were flowers (I'm sure you've noticed), with some bird and other miscellaneous detours.
My plan for 2024 is more of the same. Shooting often. I still have a lot of inspiration to experiment with flowers, although I plan to create a finished book (for myself) of this first phase.
I hope the new year brings you space and joy and all the usual goods.